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Pass the Ball

1. Decide the topic you want to focus on. For instance, you could use a training topic, such as “youth participation.”

2. Gather your team to sit or stand in a circle.

3. Tell them the topic to focus on.

4. Give one of the participants a ball to start the game.

5. Ask them to throw the ball to a participant. Whoever it’s thrown to must answer a question of the thrower’s choice. The question should be related to the topic.

6. Have participants throw the ball throughout the group until each participant has answered a question.


If you prefer to have, participants answer questions related to your training material, consider using a Thumball! On each panel of the ball, there’s a thoughtful prompt to get your participants talking.


Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
15 min
Group Size & Age
20+ people; 16+
Chairs, ball
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Iryna Zhuk

Member since 1 year ago
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