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Personal Shield of Honour

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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
Group Size & Age
4 participant per group
A1 pieces of paper
pens. markers
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1. Explain that each group will create a ‘shield’ out of a big piece of paper.


2. Each group will need to divide their shield into 4 quadrants, each containing the following elements:

  • Quadrant 1: What skills and abilities do you bring to the workplace
  • Quadrant 2: What skills and abilities do you need to improve upon in the workplace
  • Quadrant 3: What frustrates you about our workplace
  • Quadrant 4: What is a source of pride at your workplace


3. Ask the groups to use only images, photos, drawings, and graphics. No words are allowed.


4. Give them 10 minutes to create their shield.


5. Give every group the chance to share their results by asking them to present their shield to the rest of the class. Allow 1 to 2 minutes for each presentation.


The Benefits of this activity

  • By promoting discussion, this exercise stimulates deep learning.
  • This activity engages visual and kinaesthetic learning styles.

Added by

Tomasz Budziosz

Member since 2 years ago
  • tomek@feio.pl
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