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Suitcase, freezer, wastebasket

At the end of the session, project this image and ask the participants:

SuitcaseWhat will you take away from this session? That can be one or more takeaways.

FreezerWhat do you still need to think about? Perhaps there is something they don’t feel ready to apply and need to read more about.

WastebinWhat would you “throw away”? Not everything that is presented during a session may be relevant to the participants and their contexts. Give them the opportunity to express their doubts.

Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
Group Size & Age
First option:
suitcase, wastebasket, flipchart with painted freezer
Second option:
3 flipcharts with suitcase, freezer, wastebasket
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Tomasz Budziosz

Member since 1 year ago
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