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Blue Train Journey
Blue Train Journey

Blue Train Journey

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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
90 min
Group Size & Age
16-20 person
Activity paper, Passenger Chart paper, paper and pencil
Created by
Education Pack “all different - all equal”, Directorate of Youth and Sport, Council of Europe, 2nd edition'daki Euro-rail “à la carte”

1.Briefly explain the scenario to the participants and tell them that 4 people will be travelling in a compartment for 8 people.
2.Remind them that the train will stop at 3 stations during the journey and there will be people getting on and off at each station.
3.Divide the group into sub-groups of four.
4. Give the activity sheet (ANNEX 1) to each group.
5.Tell them that four fixed people will sit opposite each other in the compartment and 4 more people will come to the empty seats next to them at the first station and ask them to choose 4 of the people on the activity sheet within 10 minutes.
6.After the groups have made their choices, take their choices from the groups and write them on the Passenger Table (ANNEX 2).
7. Tell them that 2 people will get off and 2 people will get on at the second station. Within 10 minutes, ask those in their compartments to choose two people to get off and two people to get on from the activity sheet. Remind them that they cannot re-board the people they get off.
8.After the groups have made their choices, take their choices from the groups and add them to the Passenger Chart.
9.Tell them that 3 people will get off and 3 people will get on at the third station and ask them to choose 3 people to get off and 3 people to get on from the activity sheet within 10 minutes. You can also take the people you have already dropped off
10.After selecting groups, take their selections from the groups and add them to the Passenger Table.
11.Come together in a big circle and project the Passenger Table on the screen.
12.Proceed to the analysing phase.

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Recep Sencer Cinoğlu

Member since 2 years ago
  • rsencercinoglu@gmail.com
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