Minefield (or maze)

Objective of the Game: Develop leadership skills, communication skills, and innovation/problem solving skills. The rules of the game: all participants must walk through the field…

The Derdians and Engineers:

Break into 2 mixed gender groups (or if single gender the two groups by subgroup 1 and 2). One group of 10 people act as…


The group of participants will be divided into two teams, where the number of participants is equal between the teams. These two teams will be…

A Mosque in Sleepyville

Instructions 1. Read out the description of the problem in the handout on page 85. Explain that all participants are citizens of Sleepyville and all…

Challenging limiting assumptions

Gather the team: Sit together with your team and identify a problem or a situation that the group feels like it’s holding them back. Make…


Instructions Ask the children if they know anyone with a disability. What are some disabilities that people may have? Ask children if they have ever…

Words that Wound

Instructions Write out and/or read CRC Article 13 aloud. Point out that this article of the CRC gives a child the right to freedom of…

Silent Speaker

Instructions Explain that this activity needs a scorekeeper and ask for a volunteer to play this role. Divide the remaining children into teams of three…

Who Should Decide?

Instructions Ask the group to reflect on what they’re wearing and ask them to discuss with a person sitting next to them who decided what…