Ömer Saltukalp Uluç
Alphabetical Order
- In Person Training
- Minimum 10 people of any age
- 5 minutes
Amazonian Rains
- In Person Training
- 10-40 people, 10+ years old
- 5 minutes
Assorted Salad
- In Person Training
- 10-20 people of any age
- 15-20 minutes
Basics of Social Development
- In Person Training
- 10-20 participants, 15-30 years old
- 60 minutes
Become a Dancer or a Yoga Teacher/Practitioner
- In Person Training
- At least 6 people, at least 15 years old
- 60 minutes
Box of Ideas
- In Person Training, Online Training
- 10-40 people, 13+ years old
- 45-60 minutes