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Win as Much as You Can (1)-1
Win as Much as You Can (1)-1

Win as much as you can

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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
30 - 40 min
Group Size & Age
4 groups, min 1 person per group, Age from 16
- Projector and screen for sharing the game's instructions and the score table.
- Printed copies (one per team) of the score table with formulas.
- Stickers and markers for marking the selected option.
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  1. Introduce the activity.
  • Tonight we’re going to play a game. The goal of the game is to win as much as you can! Who thinks they are going to be in the winning team?

 2. Divide the group of participants into four teams: A, B, C and D. Separate the groups into four different sections of the room. Offer each group a copy of the scoreboard.


3. Share the rules of the game:

  • Tonight’s game will ask that as a team you select “X” or “Y” to earn points each round. A total of 10 rounds will be held. Depending on your team’s selection, and the selection of other teams points will be awarded per the following scoring card. (Write this on a flip chart or large poster to share with the group.)


  • For this game, there are only three rules you have to abide by.
  1. You may not communicate with any of the members on a team other than yours, unless you are given specific permission to do so. This means no talking to another group or otherwise communicating.
  2. Each group must agree upon a single choice for each round.
  3. You may not reveal your group’s choice until I tell you to do so.

4. Begin the game ... share the following instructions:

  • There are 10 rounds in this exercise. During each round, you and your group will have one minute to mark your choice for the round. Remember, no talking between groups.
  • We’ll begin with round 1; please mark you choice “X” or “Y” for round one. After a lapse of one minute, ensure each group has record their answers on their copy of the scoreboard. Have each group share their decision one at a time. Record the scores on the large score board you’ve make prior to the start of the program.
  • Does any one have questions? Remember, the purpose of this game is to win as much as you can. Rounds 2, 3 and 4 are conducted in the same manner. Be sure you rotate the order in which the group shares their scores.

5. Round 5 is a “bonus” round.

During round 5, your scores will be worth three times as many points. To make this round worth the extra points, each team may send a representative to the center of the room to speak with the other teams for three minutes regarding making decision. The representative then must return to their team, and the team is once again given one minute to decide on “X” or “Y.”

  • Share scores and record as done in previous rounds.
  • Rounds 6 and 7 are conducted like rounds 1, 2, 3 and 4.
  • Round 8 is conducted like round 5, with the bonus value increased from three to five times the amount.
  • Round 9 is conducted like rounds 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7.
  • Round 10 is conducted like rounds 5 and 8, with a bonus value of 10 times the amount.
  • Tally the scores. It is possible for the all teams to score 100 points if all for teams choose Y in each round.


Help the group process this activity.


  • What are your reactions to this game?
  • Do you feel that you were successful? Why or why not?
  • What role did competition play in your team’s decision making?
  • What about the bonus rounds? Did you experience much collaboration?
  • Does the “you” in Win As Much As You Can mean you as a team or you as a large group? How does the large group’s net score compare to the possible net score of 100?

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Polina Pasko

Member since 2 years ago
  • polinapasko06@gmail.com
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