What I Like and What I Do

Instructions Introduce the topic of gender roles by asking, “Are there some behaviours and activities that are considered ‘girls’ activities’ or ‘boys’ activities’?” and eliciting…

Take a Step Forward

Introduce the activity by asking the children if they have ever imagined being someone else. Ask for examples. Explain that in this activity they will…

Cookie Monster

Instructions Divide the children into two teams and give each group a copy of the rules and twenty snacks. Explain the rules and make sure…

What if …

Instructions Introduce the activity, explaining that everybody tries to imagine “What if…” . Sometimes we imagine good situations (e.g. “What if there were no more…

Who’s Behind Me?

Instructions Explain the activity: Each of you will have a picture of a person taped on your back. Everyone will walk around the room. When…

Bullying Scenes

Instructions Introduce the topic of bullying asking questions such as these: What is bullying? What are the different ways people bully? Why do you think…

Picture Games

Instructions Divide the children into pairs. Give each pair a picture, worksheet, paper, pen and glue. Give the children these instructions: Look at the picture…

Boys Don’t Cry!

Instructions Part 1: Taking a Position Explain the first part of the activity to the children: The room has been divided into four corners. Each…

A Body of Knowledge

Instructions Session 1: Introduce the topic by reminding the children that they have a human right to be able to learn and develop as much…

Word of Mouth Playing

To play the Game, organize the players into a line about arms-length apart, facing the same direction. The first player must come up with a…