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Tough Lovers!
Tough Lovers!

Tough Lovers!

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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
30 min
Group Size & Age
7 age plus
Number of groups
-name bingo form

In order to collect objects starting with the letters of the alphabet, various objects should be available in the area where the activity will be carried out. If there are not many objects, participants can be asked to come up with creative solutions such as drawing objects or creating object shapes with their bodies.
(At this point, issues such as limitations and sensitivities in the use of bodies should not be overlooked).
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- Groups of 4-5 people are formed in accordance with the participant profile and the training subject.
- A group work (tasks) sheet is distributed to each group.
- After the tasks are briefly explained, the process is started by specifying the time planned for the work.
- While the teams are trying to define their tasks, the trainer's task is observation and support.
- The trainer, who has an idea about the product to be produced by each group as a result of the observations, directs and plans the groups to present their products in the appropriate order.

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Recep Sencer Cinoğlu

Member since 2 years ago
  • rsencercinoglu@gmail.com
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