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The Ball and…
The Ball and…

The Ball and…

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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
10-20 minutes
Group Size & Age
Maximum 20 people of any age
A small ball (for example, a tennis ball)
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It is a game that can be played on the first day of the event. Participants are asked to stand or sit in a circle. The person leading the game throws 1 tennis ball in their hand to the person in front of them and says "their name". The person who receives the ball throws the ball to another person and says "their name". However, the person throwing the ball and the person holding the ball must look eye to eye, this rule must be explained by the person leading the game before the game starts. In the game, there is no action or talking other than throwing/receiving the ball, saying the name and looking each other in the eye. This is the 1st phase of the game and is gradually accelerated.
The leader then moves on to the 2nd phase of the game. In the 2nd stage, the person who throws the ball tries to say the name of the person they threw the ball to. This game is gradually accelerated and the participants learn each other's names.
(The same stages of the game can be applied for other characteristics of the participants. For example: country of origin, age, etc.)

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Ömer Saltukalp Uluç

Member since 2 years ago
  • saltukuluc@hotmail.com
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