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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
30 minutes
Group Size & Age
15-40 People / Ages 15 and Up
A4 paper, pens and markers as many as the number of participants
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1- Distribute A4 paper and markers to each participant.
2- Ask the participants to write their names in a small way in the upper left corner of the papers they have in their hands.
3- Ask the participants to draw their own faces. Tell them that their drawings should not be small and walk around.
4-Tell the participants to slide the papers they have in their hands to one right side. wait for the scrolling process and after it is finished, ask them to draw the eyes of the person in front of them.
5- Ask the participants to slide the paper to two right sides and draw the nose of the person in front of them on the paper in front of them.
6- Ask the participants to slide the paper two right sides and draw the person's lips on the paper in front of them.
7- Ask participants to slide paper three to the right and draw the person's hair on the paper in front of them. Note: If there is an item in the participant's profile that indicates their religious belief, you can skip it or you can indicate this and ask them to draw accordingly.
8- Ask the participants to slide the paper to the right side and ask them to stand up and find the person whose name is written on the paper in front of them and give the paper to the owner.
9- Gve the participants a short period of time and ask them to make small touch-ups.
By hanging this on a wall with the guidance of the trainer, it is ensured that individuals get to know each other better during the training process. At the end of the training, it can be distributed to the participants as a memory.

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Simla Gültekin

Member since 2 years ago
  • zsimlagultekin@gmail.com
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