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Passport game

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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
Group Size & Age
- Printed forms to fill for each participant
- Markers
- photo camera, tape
Created by

- Each participant is given by one blank sheet and asked to write his name

- Everyone holding his/her sheet is asked to stand up, go into the middle of the room, music starts playing and everyone is dancing, walking and exchanging their sheets as long as music is playing

- Music stops and everyone has one sheet in a hand. If it's your name on it - quickly change it with someone

- Find person who's name is on a sheet you have and interview him to fill "About" section and "Country" - write country name and draw a flag

- Everyone is asked to dance again, exchanging sheets while music is playing. When music stops, everyone is asked to find the sheet with his name and to stand in a circle not beside a person you know already.

- Then exchange the sheets with person standing to right hand to you and interview him to fill the rest fields of the sheet "Experience ", "Life Moto", "Childhood game"

- Everyone hangs their filled sheets on the wall

- Photo of every participant is taken and sticked to their passports

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Filomena Matuzeviciute

Member since 2 years ago
  • filomena.matuzeviciute@gmail.com
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