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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training, Online Training
the entire period of studying the module/topic or 1... academic year
Group Size & Age
from the age of 16
Open your computer or mobile phone.
1. Make sure you have an internet connection.
2. Create a subfolder in Google Drives or Office365 One Drives with the name in which you need to create an e-portfolio.
3. Share the finished e-portfolio with the teacher.
Created by
Anu Seim, Estonia

1. Create a document called Goals in the folder in which you answer the questions -
what I want to learn;
which you don't want to waste time on;
how do I contribute myself.
2. Always add name, date to a new document.
3. Every time you are in class, open the portfolio you can
continuously supplement with own works, outlines, pictures, drawings
4. At the end of the module/topic, write an analysis of whether the objectives were met or not, and why.
5. Share the finished e-portfolio with the teacher, make a presentation of your work.

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Added by

Anu Seim

Member since 1 year ago
  • anu.seim@ewers.ee
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