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Draw the Word
Draw the Word

Draw the Word

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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
45 minutes
Group Size & Age
+8 People / Ages 16 and Up
- Wall board listing the articles of the UDHR.
- A large sheet of paper or flipchart paper. Markers for writing the scores.
- A4 size sheets of paper, markers for group drawings (one sheet per team, one sheet per game round).
- Sticky tape or thumbtacks to display the drawings.
Created by
Pusula – Gençlerle İnsan Hakları Eğitimi Kılavuzu – Avrupa Konseyi; 2008


- Reproduce the summary text of the Universal declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on large sheets of paper.
- Select the rights you want the group to work on and list them for use in the game.


1. Ask the participants to divide into small groups of 4-5 people and choose names for their teams.
2. Explain that they will work in teams in this activity. Give one person from each team a UDHR article to draw. The other members of the team have to guess which article it is. The first team to guess correctly gets points. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
3. Tell the teams to get some paper and pencils and find a place to sit in the room. Teams should sit in such a way that they cannot overhear each other.
4. Call one person from each team. Give them one of the rights on your list (e.g. "the right not to be tortured" or "the right to life").
5. Tell them to go back to their group. The selected people should try to illustrate the withdrawn right and the rest of the team should try to guess what it is. Symbols can be drawn, but no numbers or words. Talking is forbidden except to confirm the correct answer.
6. The rest of the team can only say the words they guessed, but they cannot ask questions.
7. At the end of each round, ask those who have drawn - finished or not - to write the relevant human right on their drawing. The paper is then put aside.
8. Play a second round, calling on other team members and giving them a different human right to draw. Play 7 or 8 rounds. Each round requires a different person to draw. Make sure that each team member has drawn at least once.
9. At the end, ask the groups to hang up their drawings for display. This way the different interpretations of different rights and preferred symbols can be compared and discussed.

Analysis and Evaluation:

Review the activity. Then make an assessment of what people generally know about human rights.
- Was it easier or more difficult to illustrate human rights than participants expected?
- What method did the participants choose to illustrate a particular human right? Which symbols did they prefer to use?
- What were the differences between the symbols used for each of the human rights? How many different ways were used to illustrate and interpret the same concept?
- After going through all the pictures, ask how much or how little knowledge about human rights the participants initially had.
- Do participants think that human rights are relevant in their own lives? If so, which are these rights?

Tips and Suggestions:

- Before starting this activity, read the UDHR and get an idea of what is meant by human rights, for example, that they are internationally guaranteed, legally protected, focus on human dignity, protect both individuals and groups, cannot be taken away from anyone, are equal and interdependent, and are universal.
- You need to decide how you will use the wall board. If the participants know very little about the UDHR, you can use the board before the activity starts. This way the participants will have an idea of what to guess! If participants have a high level of knowledge, use the board at the end to discuss the human rights that are not drawn.
- Group members who are not good at drawing may find this activity too difficult. Explain to them that you are not expecting works of art. Encourage everyone to give it a try. They might be surprised themselves!
- Use the summary of the UDHR to identify the rights to be drawn. The following rights can be suggested: Right to life, prohibition of torture, right to a fair trial, prohibition of discrimination, right to privacy, right to education, prohibition of slavery, freedom of association, freedom of expression, right to nationality, freedom of thought and religion, right to vote, right to work, right to health, right to property, right to marry and start a family, and right to choose who to marry.
- If you have a group of less than 8 people, you can work in a group; ask one person to draw in the first round, the person who guesses correctly draws in the second round, etc.

Added by

Simla Gültekin

Member since 2 years ago
  • zsimlagultekin@gmail.com
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