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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
90 minutes
Group Size & Age
+9 People / Ages 16 and Up
- Props: Clothes, ornaments, toys, household items, etc.
- Paper and colored markers, crayons
- Glue, twine and cardboard
Created by
Pusula – Gençlerle İnsan Hakları Eğitimi Kılavuzu – Avrupa Konseyi; 2008


1. Explain that the purpose of this exercise is to represent the idea or concept of human rights through drama in a way that can be understood by people from different cultures and with different languages.
2. Explain to the participants that they cannot use words to express their thoughts, this is a mime show. However, groups can use various props or props if they wish.
3. Tell the participants to divide into small groups of 4-6 people. Give each group a large sheet of paper and a set of crayons/markers.
4. Tell the groups to first brainstorm all their ideas on human rights. Then ask them to identify two or three important ideas to present in the mime show. Allow 10 minutes for this process.
5. Next, give the groups 30 minutes to design and rehearse the mime show. Explain to the participants that this is a group work and everyone should take part in the production.
6. When the 30 minutes are up, gather the groups together so that everyone can watch each other's performance.
7. Allocate a few minutes at the end of each performance for feedback and discussion.
8. Ask the observers to comment on what they have seen and to identify the ideas that the performance is trying to convey, the ideas that stand out.
9. Following this, ask the group to briefly describe what was not mentioned in the feedback. Do this for each mime show separately.

Analysis and Evaluation:

Now review the activity.
- How did the participants feel about this activity? Was it easier or more difficult than they initially thought? What were the most difficult aspects of the activity or the most difficult thing(s) to present?
- Did participants gain new knowledge about human rights?
- What were the similarities and differences between the groups? Was there a fundamental disagreement about the idea of human rights? Why?

Tips and Suggestions:

- As long as individuals are not completely indifferent about the concept of human rights, it would be more interesting to conduct this activity with minimal guidance from the facilitator. The main purpose of this activity is to get young people to express their impressions and knowledge of human rights that they have acquired throughout their lives. Make this point to the group before starting the work. Saying this will ensure that participants do not feel pressured to "know" exactly what human rights are.
- Make this clear: The task of the participants is to create a portrait of what "human rights in general" are, not to convey what one or a few different human rights are. They can choose one of the human rights to make their general point. But what they should keep in mind is that they should try to describe what different human rights have in common. At the end of the episode, supervisors should be able to answer (or start to do so) the question "what are human rights?".
- Avoid holding back people from playing an active role if they think they are not capable of acting. Tell them that there are many roles that everyone can play. Also mention that it should be something that the whole group will enjoy. Unusual props - a pan, a toy car, a hat, a pillow, a pillow, a stone, a trash can lid - can add color to performances and spark creative ideas.
- You can also use this activity as a drawing exercise: Have the group make a poster presentation - again without using any words - to express the basic ideas of human rights.

Added by

Simla Gültekin

Member since 2 years ago
  • zsimlagultekin@gmail.com
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