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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
15 minutes
Group Size & Age
+12 People / Ages 9 and Up
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This game can be played from the first day to the end of the event, at various intervals, until the game is solved.
The person leading the game explains to the participants that they have a spaceship and that they are all invited to a journey into space. However, since the spaceship is small, they can only take a limited number of items that the captain will allow them to take with them and ask the participants to take turns to name one item they want to take with them. In the game, the person leading the game takes on the role of the captain and tells each participant whether he/she can take the item he/she has mentioned with him/her or not.

The only item that can be taken on board is an item that starts with the first letter of the name of the person who asked for it. Since the participants do not know this, they try to find a connection between the item that has coincidentally been accepted on the ship and the participants who asked for it, and try to find a valid item for themselves.

When the game gets too bogged down, the facilitator can give small hints. For example, he/she can try to draw attention to a participant who has indicated his/her wish by indicating by name whether he/she can take the item or not, e.g. "you can take your duck with you as Özge".

The game can be played for 10-15 minutes in various parts of the training until all participants have solved the rule of the game and found an item for themselves. The game can become more fun, especially when the participants who have solved the rule start to exaggerate the extra items they will take by not telling the others.

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Simla Gültekin

Member since 2 years ago
  • zsimlagultekin@gmail.com
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