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Problem Descriptive Codes
Problem Descriptive Codes

Problem Descriptive Codes

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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
1 session 50 min, total 2 sessions 100 min
Group Size & Age
15- 20 People & Ages 10+
The material to be used may vary according to the coding method. *Colorful cardboards, *Visuals to be used for coding (video, picture, photo, etc.), *Patafix adhesive, *Pencil / pen, *Eraser, opener, *Board marker
Created by
Paulo Freire

In Paulo Freire's method, the content of the syllabus is developed with the indigenous people of each region (the target audience). The syllabus preparation is a process in which research and practice are carried out simultaneously and intertwined, in five very systematic and elaborate phases;

Phase 1:
On-site research conducted by the training team and volunteers from the region, which aims to explore the thematic universe of the population, as well as the main issues in their social situation and the concrete reality as it exists today.

Phase 2:
It involves both the selection of specific topics for discussion and the selection of words for analysis, which will generate critical speech as well as language development. Productive words are selected according to linguistic criteria and socio-political significance. Thus, most of the topics chosen come from the local community, but Freire argues that the team itself has the right to include some topics not proposed by the community.

Phase 3:
Codifications are made with these generative topics and words. These are visual representations of typical existential situations in the locality and are designed to present the issues to be discussed. The codings should represent familiar situations for local people, but should also lead to new perspectives for analyzing regional and national problems. Discussing these leads the participants towards a more critical consciousness. (At this stage, the thinking process is first carried out individually (writing, drawing, etc.) and then the discussion process is started as a group, giving the participants the space to express themselves.
important to ensure).

Phase 4:
Work syllabuses are developed to serve as guidelines for the co-coordinators. These are part of the training of co-coordinators and one of the most difficult parts of the whole program.

Phase 5:
A wide range of training materials are produced.

*When the preparation phase is thus accomplished, the syllabus content is ready to be developed during implementation.
**Once the problem has been defined, training work should be done to address the need.
*** Paulo Freire's language of education is the cultural circle instead of the school, the coordinator instead of the teacher, dialogues instead of lectures, participants instead of students.
****Paulo Freire's book "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" should be consulted for the details of his problem-defining education model.

Added by

Selvinaz Yolcu

Member since 2 years ago
  • selvinaz.yolcu7@gmail.com
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