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Fruit Feast
Fruit Feast

Fruit Feast

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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
5-10 dk
Group Size & Age
As many chairs or circles as the number of participants
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Participants are asked to form a circle. Each participant should have a chair or a circle to stand in. The number of fruits and their names are determined according to the group size. For example, if 5 fruits are determined, the first 5 participants are told the names of the fruits in order and the other participants are asked to say the names of the fruits in the same order. In this way, each participant has a fruit.
All participants with the same fruit name try to change places. During the change of places, the participant who says the fruit name finds an empty chair or a circle and moves there. The person in the middle becomes the midwife and tries to get a place by saying a fruit he/she wants. If the person in the middle says Fruit Feast instead of the name of the fruit, all participants have to change places.

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Recep Sencer Cinoğlu

Member since 2 years ago
  • rsencercinoglu@gmail.com
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