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From Circle to Solution
From Circle to Solution

From Circle to Solution

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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
Depending on the number of groups of 4, 10 minutes for each group of 4 (excluding preparation time)
Group Size & Age
Min. 10-12 Max. 25-30 People & Everyone
Cardboard or colored paper, paper tape (can be used to mark the application area)
Created by
Orhun YAĞIZ & Nazlı İrem AZAK

From Circle to Solution is a new tool adapted from the Dialogue-based Experiential Learning concept of the Quadruple Spin (theater sport). For this reason, it is also recommended to read the descriptions of the Four Turns tool on our website.
- The researcher/trainers will prepare the THEME CARDBOARDS for the group.
are created/ready.
- Groups of 4 people are formed.
- THEME CARDBOARDS include 1- Theme, 2- Space, 3- Time, and 4- Role (4 pieces). The number of these cartons is more than the number of groups and the groups are given a reasonable time to choose the THEME CARDBOARD they want. In these cartons 1 or 2 elements can be left unspecified/blank. Even all elements of 1 carton can be left blank.
- According to the characteristics of the participants and the data obtained in the previous session, groups are given a reasonable preparation time of 10 minutes.
- The stage/practice area is divided into two, with two people in front and two people in the back.
The front side of the stage is the active practice area and the back side is the passive practice area.
The back of the stage is definitely a part of the stage, not a backstage! The people in the front should improvise on the stage and act in accordance with the Theme Cards and their roles.
- The circle shape and cycle on the stage is taken as basis.
- Two people at the front of the stage (in the active practice area) perform on the "problem/issue" that the last person on the stage has brought with improvisation. Meanwhile, the people in the back do not perform.
- The facilitator directs the people who will perform on the stage with a whistle in a continuously progressing cycle. With each whistle, 1 person leaves the duo in front and 1 new person arrives.
- As mentioned above, when the whistle is blown, each person who comes to the active application area of the stage takes the stage by "fictionalizing a problem" related to the Theme Cardboard they have chosen. The person who stays on the stage may be suggested to approach the problem in a solution-oriented way.
- When enough Circle to Solution rounds are completed, the facilitator blows the whistle three times for a long time. At this stage, the two people at the back of the stage, whose turn has not yet come, are also involved in the improvisation. It is made clear from the description at the very beginning of the exercise that they are to take an approach to solving the problem at hand. This last round is slightly longer than the other rounds.

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Selvinaz Yolcu

Member since 2 years ago
  • selvinaz.yolcu7@gmail.com
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