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Forum Theater
Forum Theater

Forum Theater

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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
60 - 80 minutes
Group Size & Age
15- 20 People & Ages 10+
May vary depending on the subject.
Created by
Augusto Boal

*Forum Theater begins with the preparation of a scene or short play about the problem experienced by a person or group subjected to oppression, starting with improvisation methods and continuing with intensive rehearsal techniques.

1. During the action of the play, the protagonist is struggling with a pressure and is unable to solve the problem. At the end of the performance, the audience-players are reminded that the play will be repeated in the same way and if they do not agree with the outcome of the play, i.e. the protagonist's methods of seeking a solution, they are asked to stop the play at any moment they want and play their own suggestions by taking the place of the protagonist.
Thus, the audience-player is given the right to direct the action on the stage.
2. The audience-player who proposes a different solution is invited to the stage not to verbalize his/her solution proposal, but to show his/her views by acting, that is, by putting them into action. The audience-player continues the physical action of the protagonist he/she replaces and transforms his/her suggestions into action.
3. After this proposed solution is played out, the whole audience and the actors discuss the proposed solution. After this discussion, other audience-actors who propose different solutions are invited to the stage and the same scene is continued with different audience-actors until everyone's proposal is tried and discussed. Forum Theater ends when there are no more suggestions from the audience.

**The Forum Theater is one of the methods created by Augusto Boal under the title Theater of the Oppressed.

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Selvinaz Yolcu

Member since 2 years ago
  • selvinaz.yolcu7@gmail.com
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