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Find Your Melody
Find Your Melody

Find Your Melody

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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
10 min
Group Size & Age
As many small pieces of paper as there are participants,
The number of groups you want to divide, song, folk song name suitable for the participant profile,
Anything that will serve as a bag from which the papers can be easily pulled by the participants.
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- There are as many songs as the number of groups you want to form before the game. (songs should be selected according to the age group of the participants. Well-known folk songs can also be preferred).
- Depending on how many people you want to divide into small groups, how many of the same lyrics should be written is determined and written on the papers.
- The papers placed in a basket or bag are drawn by everyone.
- Everyone starts humming the music of the song they have drawn without saying the lyrics.
- By humming in this way, small group members are expected to find each other and form their groups.
- According to the order of the first group formed, all groups sing their songs and the activity ends.

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Recep Sencer Cinoğlu

Member since 2 years ago
  • rsencercinoglu@gmail.com
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