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Assessing Individuality in Learning

The Learning Skills Profile. A typology of learning skills is developed that is congruent with the learning style descriptions of experiential learning theory. The typology is holistic, allowing both idiographic and normative comparisons of individuals and situations, and the ‘fit’ between them. Learning style describes basic and generalised dimensions of individuality in learning, while a learning skill is more situational and subject to intentional development. The Learning Skills Profile (LSP) is a 72-item, modified Q-sort assessment instrument designed to assess learning skills. Data from numerous studies are reviewed and reported to establish the LSP’s reliability, relational validity, criterion and construct validity. The LSP can be used as a vehicle for providing personal and organisational feedback on skills, and to describe the skills required by different jobs and educational programs.

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Boyatzis, R. E. & Kolb, D. A.

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Mustafa Erdoğan

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