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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
60 min
Group Size & Age
max 40 person, 16 age plus
- 4 A3 or A4 paper
- 4 old magazines
- 4 scissors
- 4 packs of coloured felt-tip pens
- 4 tubes of glue
- Optional: 4 sets of other parts; string, wool, buttons, paper clips
- Paper and pen for observers
- Wall or wrist clock
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1. Divide the players into four groups and ask each group to sit in a corner of the room where they can work comfortably.
2. Ask each group to nominate one person to be an observer to note what members of the group do or say.
3. Announce that you will come to each group in turn to give materials and instructions on what to do.
4. Go to the first group; give them a set of materials and say clearly "You have a sheet of paper, a journal, scissors and glue. You have to make a collage representing the spring season. You have 20 minutes. You can start at any time."
5. Then go to the second group; give them a set of materials and say clearly, "You have a sheet of paper, a magazine, scissors and glue. You have to make a collage representing the summer season. You have 20 minutes. You can start at any time."
6. Then go to the third group; give them a set of materials and say clearly, "You have a sheet of paper, a magazine, scissors and glue. You have to make a collage representing the autumn season. You have 20 minutes. You can start at any time."
7. Then go to the last group; give them a set of materials and say clearly "Mso, flosamd loerabtbz losnise bauqvxa poyeks, nseioamans sajiyudo laverza losifalitome. You have 20 minutes to do this. You can start at any time."
8. When the groups are working, walk around the groups. Be encouraging and supportive to the first, second and third groups, but blame the fourth group for not doing what you asked.
9. After 20 minutes, stop the activity and ask the groups to hand in their collages. If the first group has not finished yet, give them another 3 or 4 minutes.

Analysing and Evaluating:

Start with a round from the players: Ask them to express how they felt about the activity and how they worked together in their groups; ask for everyone's participation.

Follow this with a round from the observers: Ask them to say what happened in each group.

Then, engage everyone in a discussion about the links with reality:
- Can you see any links with real life?
- Who(s) are in the fourth group in our society?
- How do we tend to blame the victims of social injustice?
- How do people react when they think they are victims of social injustice?
- Do they react in the same way as people in group 4?

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Recep Sencer Cinoğlu

Member since 2 years ago
  • rsencercinoglu@gmail.com
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