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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
20-120 min
Group Size & Age
13-17 age
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The group is divided into small groups according to its size. Teams are briefly informed about what a case study is and its importance. They can be reminded briefly about the process they are going through by simulating the working group they are in.

This case study is suitable for use in trainings based on volunteering, entrepreneurship, leadership, team spirit. It is certainly not a method to start a training, as it is planned to reinforce the current topic and to create different perspectives on the subject.

Possible cases to be encountered in a volunteer project are as follows:

-Everything is going very well in the project. On one of the brainstorming days your idea is not liked by the group. But you think that your idea will make a great contribution to the progress of the project.

- You are only in the 3rd week of a project that will continue for 4 months. You learn that another team at the Youth Center will implement the same project idea as yours.

-You have left behind the first month of a 4-month project. The interest of a young person from a different group in the Youth Center in you has increased to the point that it extends beyond the Youth Center.

-You are in the 3rd week of a project that will continue for 4 months. After a while, you realize that your teammates in the project do not inform you about the activities in and outside the project.

-You are only in the 3rd week of a project that will continue for 4 months. There is a group of 50 people that you lead and manage in the project. But you have to leave the project.

Which of the following questions are appropriate for the above cases?
-What are the problems in this case?
-How does this situation make the participant feel?
-Why might the young participant in this case have experienced this?
-What would the participant do in such a case / How would he/she solve / overcome the situation?

Afterwards, considering the time, the groups can be asked to share their answers to these questions in any way they want, such as presentation, role play, poem, narrative, poster work, etc.

Note: I called the place "Youth Center", imagining that it is a work that can be done with young people, but this should be changed according to the characteristics of the training, project, institution, organization.

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Recep Sencer Cinoğlu

Member since 2 years ago
  • rsencercinoglu@gmail.com
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