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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
90 min
Group Size & Age
30 person
Number of participants
- A4 paper
- pen
- post-it
- box
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- Before starting the game, the participants are reminded that this game is a silent game and no one should speak.
- General information about identity is conveyed to the participants by drawing on the onion metaphor, an example of which can be seen in the attachments file, and giving examples.
- Then, 5 post-it papers are given to each of the participants and they are given 15 minutes to write 5 items that define their identity on these papers.
- Then, the participants are asked to throw them into the box one by one in order of importance. Here, the game continues with 5 rounds. In other words, in each round, the participants are asked to give up an identity feature in their hands and leave it in the box.
- After this stage, the part where sharing in the big group will be made and silence will be overcome gradually begins. After 4 rounds, sharing is made in the large group on the item written on the last paper left in their hands. (It can be supported by presentation or visual materials.)

Things to be Considered:
- Since it is an inner work, the participants should be provided with the necessary comfortable environment, the process should be constantly monitored and it should be kept in mind that the subject should be limited to the dimension of supporting intercultural dialogue while giving feedback.

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Recep Sencer Cinoğlu

Member since 2 years ago
  • rsencercinoglu@gmail.com
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