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What Does İnclusion Mean?
What Does İnclusion Mean?

What Does İnclusion Mean?

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Method Details

Learning Space
In Person Training
50 minutes
Group Size & Age
15-30 pax., no age limit
- laptop and projector
- definitions printed in colored paper
- white paper for the group definition and some markers.
Created by
Eleonora Di Liberto, TC "VERY NORMAL PEOPLE" by Associazione Uniamoci Onlus

- For the first part it could be good to have a laptop connected with a projector in order to show the process of the creation of the word cloud on tagul.com.
- For the second part print some famous phrases about social inclusion (some are in the attached document).

I PART: To start the process it is suggested to start the session with a brainstorming on the meaning of inclusion, asking the participant to say just one word and directly recording it for the creation of an on-line word cloud using tagul.com (we chose the shape of colored hands but there are several ones).

II PART: invite the participants to come to the table and read and discuss the given definitions. After the first 5 minutes all the participants will start to be actively involved! Let them talk for 20 min. and then ask them to sum up their ideas creating a group and project definition of social inclusion.

This method addresses

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Recep Sencer Cinoğlu

Member since 2 years ago
  • rsencercinoglu@gmail.com
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