1- Maps and pictures of where you live (past and present)
2- Large-scale neighborhood map showing your selected area
3- Ballpoint pens and papers to draw the designs
4- Various materials for making models. For example, small boxes, flat containers, tissue paper, paint, twine, wool, bottle corks, cardboard tubes, aluminum foil, egg containers, various trinkets found at home, tree branches, stones, bark, clam shells, etc.
5- Adhesive and tape
6- Paint and paint brush
7- Cardboard or plywood to be used as model ground
Created by
Patricia Brander, Bárbara Oliveira, Rui Gomes, Jana Ondrácková, Ellie Keen, Alessio Surian, . . . Suslova, O. (2002). Pusula: Gençlerle İnsan Hakları Eğitimi Kılavuzu. Retrieved from