Are you an Experiential Learning Trainer? Learn how to validate your competence.
- There are three options to validate your Training of Trainers experience:
- Option 1: Complete IELN Training for Trainers Program: Please send an email indicating which IELN Program that you completed.
- Option 2: Claim a Training for Trainers Program that you completed: Please send a word document giving information about the program (sessions, topics, duration, organizing institution and trainers.)
- Option 3: Claim at least 10 years of active experience as a trainer: Please send your CV indicating the years of experience as a trainer.
- Complete IELN E-Learning Program on Experiential Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Please send an email, which IELN Online program that you completed.
- Claim at least 100 hours of local/international experience as a trainer: Please send your CV indicating the years of experience as a trainer.
- Claim at least 500 hours of local/international experience as a trainer: Please send your CV indicating the years of experience as a trainer.
- Co-deliver an international training program together with an IELN Master Trainer: Please indicate the name of the trainer(s) with whom you co-delivered in your e-mail.
- Claim at least 1000 hours of local/international experience as a trainer: Please send your CV indicating the years of experience as a trainer.
- Co-deliver an international Training for Trainers program together with an IELN Master Trainer: Please indicate the name of the trainer(s) with whom you co-delivered in your e-mail.
The Experiential Learning Trainer Competency Framework is developed by DeM Experiential Training Center. You can use this framework for self-assessment.
EXPERIENCE AS A LEARNER | IN-PERSON | Completed IELN Training for Trainers Program or Completed another Training for Trainers Program or Have at least 10 years of active experience as a trainer. |
E-LEARNING | Completed IELN E-Learning Program on Experiential Pedagogy of the Oppressed | |||
EXPERIENCE AS A TRAINER | PRIOR EXPERIENCE | 100 hours of local/international experience as a trainer | 3 years of international experience as a trainer | 7 years of international experience as a trainer |
EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING | Experiential Learning Cycle | Defines the learning cycle and explains the dialectic poles among the four learning modes in the cycle. | Explains the relationship between the four modes of the learning cycle and the four main areas of human development. | Explains how Kolb Learning Cycle is based on; William James’ Radical Amprisizm, John Dewey’s Learning Cycle, Kurt Levin’s T-Group Action Research Methodology Jean Piaget’s Constructivism, Carl Jung’s Personality Types. |
Learning Styles | Defines each nine learning styles and explains the positioning of the styles on the learning cycle and learning flexibility. | Defines all versions of the Kolb Learning Style Inventories and compare the KLSI with other learning styles inventories. | ||
Educator Role Profiles | Defines each four educator role profiles and explains the positioning of the profiles on the learning cycle. | Explains the relationship among Educator Role Profiles, Learning Styles, and Adult Development Model. | ||
Debriefing | Defines DeM debriefing model and explains the relationship among the debriefing steps and the four modes of the learning cycle. | Compares other debriefing models with Kolb Learning Cycle. | ||
Learning Spaces | Defines all six learning spaces and explains the required methodology for establishing those learning spaces. | Explains the required Educator Role Profiles for establishing those learning spaces. | Explains how Learning Sapces Concept is based on; Lewin’s, Bronfrenbrenner’s, Vygotsky’s, Nonaka’s, and Konno’s works on the relations between the environment and human development. |
PEDAGOGY OF THE OPPRESSED | Thematic & Linguistic Universes | Defines Thematic & Linguistic Universe terms and explains how codification and de-codification technics are used to discover those universes. | Explains the relationship between codification methodology and debriefing around the experiential learning cycle. | Explains how Freire’s works are based on the following; Hegel’s communitarianism, Marx’s class consciousness, Dewey’s and Teixeira’s democratization through education, Fromm’s humanism and critical theory. |
Problem-Posing Education | Defines the banking model of education and problem-posing education and explains its relationship with the term Praxis. | Explains the relationship between the Active Experimentation Mode of the Learning Cycle and the Freirean Praxis Approach. | ||
Critical Thinking | Defines critical thinking and explains its relationship with the term humanization. | Explains the relationship between Reflective Thinking Space and Critical Pedagogy. | ||
FACILITATOR ROLE | Group Dynamics | Uses a variety of methods for increasing the group dynamics among the learners. | ||
Learning Games | Moderates learning games and role plays help learners get in and out of roles. | Create/adapt learning games. | ||
Reflection | Uses a variety of reflection methods. | |||
SUBJECT EXPERT ROLE | Research | Help learners use a variety of research methods. | Uses action-research methodology. | |
Analysis | Help learners use a variety of analysis methods. | |||
Discussions & Debates | Moderates discussion and debate activities. | Moderates discussion and debate activities between conflicting parties. | ||
EVALUATOR ROLE | Performance Standards | Help learners to set performance goals and standards. | ||
Self Assessment | Help learners use a variety of self-assessment tools. | |||
Evaluation | Uses a variety of evaluation methods. | Creates different tools for evaluation output, outcome, and impact level evaluations. | ||
COACH ROLE | Motivation | Motivates learners for further development. | ||
Action Plan | Help learners to make learning & practice plans. | Coaches trainers during the Training for Trainers. | Supervises senior trainers during the Training for Trainers. | |
Feedback | Provide feedback to learners. | |||
CROSS-CUTTING ROLES | Learning Need Analysis | Uses various learning methods to make need analysis and sets competency-based learning objectives. | ||
Inventories | Implements Kolb Learning Styles Inventory for learners and helps them interpret the results. | Implements Kolb Educator Role Profile Inventory for the trainers and helps them interpret the results. | ||
Program Design | Designs full-cycle learning programs. | |||
Debriefing | Moderates full cycle debriefing. | |||
FREIREAN METHODS | Discovery | Uses Freire’s codification and de-codification methods. | ||
Ambiguity | Deals with ambiguity. | |||
Co-Creation | Open spaces for learners and provide proper methods to co-create the learning program. | |||
Critical Thinking | Help learners to critically re-interpret their situation about power relations. | |||
TEAM PROCESS | Team Work | Regarding the team of trainers, harmony and team success is more important than the individual success of the trainers. | ||
Communication | Have open communication with teammates and learners. | |||
Flexibility | Value the learning flexibility, and try to have a full-cycle learning approach. | |||
Conflict Management | Be solution-oriented in conflicting situations and has a win-win approach. | |||
LEARNING PROCESS | Subject to Subject Relationship | Establishes subject-to-subject relationships with learners and teammates. | ||
Human Rights | Respect and value universal human rights. | |||
Liberation | Aware of the liberation purpose of the education and empowerment responsibility of the educator. |